Jacksepticeye Wiki
Santa Claus
Vital statistics
Species Human
Gender Male
Profile statistics
Affiliations Jacksepticeye
Media statistics

Santa Claus is a character in the web browser game Happy Wheels.


Jack sometimes uses him in Harpoon Runs due to Santa's ability to fly with the sleigh. When the player is launched into the air, they can repeatedly tap the space bar to keep the sleigh going; there is, however, a downside: a meter is shown at the bottom of the screen showing how much power is left.

He also has two elves named Anthony and Ian, which is a possible reference to the YouTube channel Smosh. The elves usually are the ones in the series facing the brunt of receiving serious injures, to the point of even getting blown up, leaving Santa to his own devices. He can still fly his sleigh without the elves.


  • Santa Claus and his elves didn't appear as a character in Happy Wheels until December 22nd 2011.
  • Santa did not appear in Jack's Happy Wheels playthrough until part 3 Santa Loves Poon.


Other Happy Wheels characters:


JacksepticeyePewDiePieMuyskermMarkiplierLordMinion777CinnamonToastKenDaithi De NoglaPixlpit

Alter egos

AntisepticeyeChase BrodyDr. SchneeplesteinJackieboy ManJameson JacksonMarvin The Magnificent

Game characters

Albert, Abigail and SusieAlphysBettyBilly and BobbyBlueCáitChuckFinbar FoaleyGreenHelicopter HarryHenryJorji CostavaKevinLawnmower LarryMariaPádraigPepperPogo PeteSallySanta ClausSamSamsonSíocháinSaoirseSeamusSeamus Jr.Seamus Jr. Jr.Segway SteveSurgery game patientsUndyneWheelchair Willy


GizmoKillianSepticeye Sam
